2nd March, 2017
The Facts About Water Leaks
Because most water leaks around the home are minor and happen slowly over time, we often don’t consider fixing leaking plumbing fixtures a big priority. However, putting off plumbing repairs can come at a price. Consider these facts from the EPA.
- 10 percent of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more each day
- A leaky faucet dripping at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year
- Minor water leaks account for more than 1 trillion gallons of wasted water each year and is equal to annual water use in 11 million homes.
- A shower leaking at 10 drips per minute wastes more than 500 gallons per year
So what can you do to prevent water waste in the home?
- First, check faucet washers and gaskets for wear and replace them as needed.
- If toilets are leaking, have them repaired.
- If you’re replacing an old toilet, water heater or other plumbing appliance or fixture, choose a model with a WaterSense rating.
Need help repairing leaks around your home? Give ABC Southwest a call, we can help with all your home plumbing needs.
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