Controlling Humidity In the Home
In the humid Florida environment the air conditioner is the main defense against excess humidity. When the humidity is too high, moisture build-up can damage your home and cause health problems when mold and mildew take hold.
Ideally, indoor humidity levels should be in the 30-50 percent range. You can measure humidity with a device called a hygrometer, or using a weather station available at many hardware stores.
Proper Ventilation
Kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms are the primary sources of excess humidity in the home. It’s important to ensure that these areas of the home are properly ventilated with exhaust fans as needed, and that the fans are vented out of the home and not just to the attic.
Excess Condensation
Condensation occurs when humid air comes in contact with cool surfaces like windows and doors. Having a barrier layer between the indoor and outdoor surfaces is the key to preventing moisture accumulation on cold surfaces. This can be accomplished by installing storm doors and ensuring windows are double glazed.
Leaving doors open to allow air to circulate and opening drapes and partially opening blinds on sunny days can also reduce the buildup of excess moisture in the home.
Have questions about controlling humidity in your home? Call ABC Southwest Plumbing & Air Conditioning, we’re here to help.
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