A Simple Way to Save On Hot Water
Even in the warm climate of Southwest Florida, heating water takes up a big part of the average home’s utility bill. One inexpensive way to conserve hot water is to install a water heater blanket. Available at most home improvement stores for $15-$20, water heater blankets are simple to install and can pay for itself in less than a year.
You may be asking, can a blanket help when the tank feels cool to the touch? Yes. Because it takes more energy to heat water than air, so insulation will help. Still not convinced? Once the blanket is installed for a day or so, put your hand under the blanket and you’ll notice that it’s nice and warm. That’s heat that will keep the tank warmer for a longer period of time rather than radiating out.
A word of caution on water heater blankets – some manufacturers advise against them because if they are not installed properly they can block controls and valves. So be sure to cut away around controls and the pressure relief valve.
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