4 Air Conditioning Myths
Many homeowners waste energy by taking steps they incorrectly believe are helping them save money on their cooling bill. Here are some common AC myths that could end up costing you more than you think.
1. Turning The AC Off When You’re Away From Home For More Than a Couple of Hours Saves Money.
MYTH: While an air conditioner is obviously not using energy when it’s turned off, turning the AC back on makes it run longer to remove the heat that has built up inside the home, which can use a lot of energy.
2. Ceiling Fans Should Be Run All the Time, Even When Rooms Are Unoccupied.
MYTH: Ceiling fans don’t actually cool the air in your home, they simply move the conditioned air down into the living space and provide evaporative cooling on the skin, making you feel more comfortable. They provide little if any benefit in unoccupied rooms.
3. Turning the Thermostat Temperature Down Will Cool the House Faster
MYTH: Lowering the thermostat temperature will not affect how quickly your air conditioner cools down your home.
4. Air Conditioners Made Today are Hi Tech and More Reliable, So Annual Maintenance Is Less Important Than It Used To Be.
MYTH: Annual AC maintenance is just as important as ever. In fact, to fully benefit from the high efficiency features of your new air conditioner, it is essential that it be kept clean and well maintained.
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